Tag Archives: How to

How to Start Streaming Video Games – It’s all about the preparation

With the popularity of streaming video games reaching a fever pitch in 2016, you may just be considering getting your own personal broadcast off the ground to kick off the new year. Doing so is an extremely challenging but rewarding endeavor, with many hidden practices worth learning before you stream your first video game on, for example, Twitch. Here’s a few general tips worth knowing if you want to get a leg up on the competition.

Design a Channel Identity

No matter how you approach broadcasting on Twitch (and similar sites), take into consideration that you’re actively building a community centered on your personal channel every minute you’re live. The goal here is to grow your channel over time by welcoming more viewers into your community. But to do that, you need to establish an identity viewers can get behind, one which hooks new viewers while respecting those who have supported you since the beginning. Continue reading How to Start Streaming Video Games – It’s all about the preparation

Improving Speech and Talking to an Empty Chat

The majority of first-time streamers will have an empty chat and it is hard to learn to talk to an “empty chat.” Although your chat and community are real people, it’s a different kind of social interaction that requires practice.

Kiratze wrote an in-depth guide about how to improve your speech and talking while in an empty room. Believe it or not, speaking properly to an empty room is a skill that many new streamers don’t realize they need to practice. Continue reading Improving Speech and Talking to an Empty Chat

Twitch Adds Tips For Applying To Their Partner Program

Twitch has updated their Partner Program section in their Support Center.

Included is this update are tips for applying to the partner program. The tips go through things like what Twitch looks for in a partner, which stats are important, and more. Head over to the Support Center to check out the write up. We suggest anyone who is looking to partner with Twitch to give it a read.

via Twitch Subreddit

Live Streaming in 15 Minutes on Twitch


1.Introduction of the thing

We all watch streaming have a great time streaming and we can agree that streaming is fun. So why aren’t you streaming your games yet? It takes less than 15 minutes to start.

2.Value of the thing

Have fun, make friends and some $$$
The only reason for getting into streaming should be to have fun


I am sure you already have an account with Twitch, but if you do not, go Sign UP. Ones you sort that out go get your Stream Key.

twitch-keyTo do that, go to your Dashboard page, click on the Stream Key link and from that new page click on Show Key. You are going to need that key in a few minutes, so keep that tab open for now.

Next, you need to download the Open Broadcaster Software from. Install and start the OBS and go to the Broadcast Settings section and that is where we are going to insert the Stream Key from Twitch. You can ignore the rest of the settings in OBS. We will cover those in our next how-to.

Good job, you got through the hardest part of this tutorial. Right now, you should have your twitch account open in a browser and OBS running at the background. Go to the browser and go to your dashboard. There you will find the “Title this broadcast” section. Enter the game you are about to play and the title of your stream, click “Update”.

add-sceneStart your game and when it is loaded go to OBS to capture the game. Now, right click on the “Scenes” section and add a new scene, I usually use the game name, but you can name that whatever you want.

add-source-game-captureNext, right click on the “Source” section and add a “Game Capture”. Last, confirm that your game is has been selected under “Application”.add-source-game-capture-application

Now all you have to do is click “Start streaming” and you are LIVE!

You are LIVE!

4.Case study of the thing

Succesful streamers…


Get streaming, have fun!

Tell me how you started streaming and who you like about streaming?